Django community: RSS
This page, updated regularly, aggregates Django links from the Django community.
Show HN: Django and React SaaS boilerplate tutorial | Hacker News
django-channels · GitHub Topics
Projects hosted in github which use django channels . -
Understand Django - a series of articles focused on learning the Django web framework to build web applications with Python
Tips for Building High-Quality Django Apps at Scale | DoorDash Engineering Blog
Reusable dockerfiles to containerize your Python applications
Django migrations without downtimes · Ludwig Hähne
Deploying Django using Dokku
Manager vs Query Sets in Django. On my last two posts I talked about… | by Jair Verçosa | Medium
In my last two posts, I talked about models and business logic in Django projects. In this article, I want to talk about the role of the Manager and Query Set in the Django ORM. I’ve seen many… -
👀#django is #mainstream -
Show HN: Amplication – Instantly Generate Node.js Apps with GraphQL and REST API | Hacker News
Introducing Faust — Faust 1.9.0 documentation
Eliminating Task Processing Outages by Replacing RabbitMQ with Apache Kafka Without Downtime | DoorDash Engineering Blog
Corey Schafer Python Video Tutorial
How to Move a Django Model to Another App – Real Python
In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to move a Django model from one app to another using Django migrations. You'll explore three different techniques and learn some helpful guidelines for choosing the best approach for your situation and needs. -
python - Unable to install channels (django) using pipenv - Stack Overflow
I believe this problem is related to a problem installing twisted with pipenv . -
How to protect your Django Secret and OAuth Keys - DEV Community
One approach to dealing with secret keys and another in the comments. -
Serving Static Files · Matt Layman
openwisp/django-loci: Reusable Django app for storing geographic and indoor coordinates. Maintained by the OpenWISP Project.
benwilber/boltstream: Boltstream Live Video Streaming Website + Backend
My Python linting setup in 2020 :: sleepy yaks industries — Help teams delivering better products and applications
Practical hapi PDF | FREE Programming PDF eBooks
Favorite tweet: (Practical hapi) Check it out 👉 - #Java #ArtificialIntelligence #python #Bigdata #javascript #angular #reactjs #DeepLearning #Django #100DaysofCode #fullstackdeveloper #security #IoT — Programmers-Books (@progbooks1) January 9, 2021 -
Creating Custom Postgres Data Types in Django
Matt Layman
Welcome - Sockpuppet
Sockpuppet is a new way to craft modern, reactive web interfaces with Django. We extend the capabilities of both Django and Stimulus by intercepting user interactions and passing them to Django over real-time websockets. These interactions are processed by Reflex actions that change application state. The current page is quickly re-rendered and the changes are sent to the client. The page is then morphed to reflect the new application state. This entire round-trip allows us to update the UI in 20-30ms without flicker or expensive page loads.