Django community: RSS
This page, updated regularly, aggregates Django links from the Django community.
ihatetobudget: A simple Django web app to understand and control your expenses. Designed to be self-hosted.
Mimsy: Django using too much memory? Turn off DEBUG=True!
How to Scale Django: Beyond the Basics | DigitalOcean
Some good comments about optimizing a Django instance -
python 3.x - How to Install Latest (2020) Django to AWS EC2 Linux 2 Instance and Serve w/ Apache Hello World - Stack Overflow
This thread has a number of different ideas and it's worth reading the whole thing. -
Deploying a Django Application to AWS EC2 Instance With Docker - DZone Web Dev
Can you help me with my capacity planning? - Server Fault
How to Deploy Django Channels 2.x on AWS Elastic Beanstalk | by Federico Galarraga | Medium
Elastic Beanstalk -
Getting Started with Django Channels – Real Python
How To Deploy Your Django App Using Docker
Heroku: Deploying Django Rest Framework + Vue - Stack Overflow
How To Set Up Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean
Creating a Django project – DreamHost Knowledge Base
Bringing Security along on the CI/CD journey - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
Using Django
Postgres Views with Django: A Quick Demo
Django delete FileField - Stack Overflow
Bringing Security along on the CI/CD journey - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
Interview with Andrew Godwin about deployment — Django deployment
Why Leading UK Agency for Nonprofits has Dropped Drupal | Torchbox
Django migrations without downtimes · Ludwig Hähne
Detecting N+1 queries in Django with unit testing
The Django template language | Django documentation | Django
base.html ... template inheritance . -
Using FastAPI with Django - Stavros' Stuff
Contribute to realpython/dockerizing-django development by creating an account on GitHub. -
A demo of Django sock puppet