Django community: RSS
This page, updated regularly, aggregates Django links from the Django community.
django-sql-sniffer: simple command line tool for analyzing Django ORM SQL execution from a running process -
SaaS Pegasus | The Django-Powered SaaS Boilerplate
Database transactions | Django documentation | Django
Django Deprecation Timeline — Django 3.1.7 documentation
Any open source DRF projects? : django
Specially one where external APIs were used. I want to see for myself how real world projects are structured and how to take care of Business Logic -
dump/load Wagtail fixtures
Create your RSS/Atom feed in Wagtail | -
Dmitry Pechnikov / django-slugger · GitLab
justinmayer/django-autoslug: AutoSlugField for Django. Supports (but not does not require) unidecode/pytils for transliteration. Old issue tracker is at Bitbucket:
bennylope/django-organizations: Multi-user accounts for Django projects
django-extensions -
Test Your Apps · Matt Layman
Testing python Django project. -
tkem/cachetools: Extensible memoizing collections and decorators
tolomea/django-auto-prefetch: Automatically prefetch foreign key values as needed
Test Your Apps · Matt Layman
passed in the wrong arguments, an integration test is likely to discover that problem. -
django-organizations: Sane multi-user accounts — django-organizations 1.1.1 documentation
django-organizations is an application that provides group account functionality for Django, allowing user access and rights to be consolidated into group accounts. -
Deploy | Server Management Platform
Appliku Deploy - Server Management for Python/Django Apps -
Comprehending Class-Based Views in Django - Generic Views
dabapps/django-readers: A lightweight function-oriented toolkit for better organisation of business logic and efficient selection and projection of data in Django projects.
RT @j4mie: A new #django thing I've been working on. It's a little hard to describe, so it's worth looking over the README. I'd love to get some feedback on it: -
nickjj/docker-django-example: A production ready example Django app that's using Docker and Docker Compose.
Is StimulusReflex the Future for Ruby on Rails?
Home - Unicorn
Htmx and Django for Single Page Applications – Julien Salinas
Simple In-Memory Caching of Django Model Data With cachetools - Adam Johnson
Passing an initial value · Issue #160 · carltongibson/django-filter
in case of ChoiceField you can use: empty_label=None, null_value=, null_label= -
Sockpuppet - Sockpuppet is a new way to craft modern, reactive web interfaces with Django.