Django community: RSS
This page, updated regularly, aggregates Django links from the Django community.
Gatsby JS & Firebase: Build HYBRID realtime + static sites
RT @NewOnline23: Gatsby JS & Firebase: HYBRID Gatsby realtime + static sites -> #100DaysOfCode #html5 #NodeJs #Angular #WordPress #react #css3 #javascript #vuejs #Python #PHP #MongoDB #redux #Django #bootstrap4 #udemy #Coupons #Free #Discounts -
Welcome to Django Q — Django Q 1.3.5 documentation
Django Q is a native Django task queue, scheduler and worker application using Python multiprocessing. -
How to deploy a Machine Learning model using Django: Part-1 | by Kaustumbh Jaiswal | | Medium
Deploy a REST API using Serverless, Django and Python
Serverless Micro Django | Geeky Career
Adding Charts to Django with Chart.js |
ipython - How to use django 3.0 ORM in a Jupyter Notebook without triggering the async context check? - Stack Overflow
Untitled (
@AdamChainz @be_haki It would be good to have good communication and make sure #psycopg3 pool fulfils #Django needs 🙂 If any Django-db person would like to review the design it would be great to have feedback. Docs coming in a few days too, to explain the intended behaviour. -
Exciting New Features in Django 3.2 | Haki Benita
The Right Way?
Django Class Based Views considered harfmul -
Django Migrations with Init Containers on OpenShift | by Chris Hambridge | ITNEXT
Five Django Packages We Love at Monadical - CodiMD
pretix/pretix: Ticket shop application for conferences, festivals, concerts, tech events, shows, exhibitions, workshops, barcamps, etc.
IETF Datatracker API Notes
Testing Your Django App With Pytest
Advanced testing topics | Django documentation | Django
Django (3.0) Crash Course Tutorials | Customer Management App - YouTube
Exciting New Features in Django 3.2 | Haki Benita
Exciting New Features in Django 3.2
Exciting New Features in Django 3.2 | Haki Benita
Five Common Django Mistakes | LAAC Technology
LAAC Technology: Five Common Django Mistakes
Model Bakery: Smart fixtures for better tests — Model Bakery 1.2.1 documentation
factory_boy alternative -
The ultimate Cheat sheets compilation (200+)
jedie/django-reversion-compare: Add compare view to django-reversion for comparing two versions of a reversion model.