Welcome our new Ops member - Baptiste Mispelon
The DSF Board are pleased to introduce Baptiste Mispelon as a new member of the Ops team. Baptiste will join the team who maintains Django’s infrastructure.
Baptiste (IPA pronunciation /ba.tist/) is a long-time Django contributor, having been a member of the community for over a decade now.
He was an initial board member of the Django Girls Foundation, co-created the Django Under the Hood, series of conferences, and was chair of the DjangoCon Europe 2016 edition. More recently, he's taken up the maintenance of Django's venerable ticket tracker: code.djangoproject.com.
He currently lives in the Norwegian countryside where he works part time as a Django developer while studying for a degree in linguistics at the local university.
You can learn more about Baptiste on his website.
I’m also taking this time to thanks the Ops team on the behalf of the DSF board for their efforts on the maintenance during all the time of their service.
Please join me in welcoming Baptiste in the Ops team!
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