Apply for financial assistance to DjangoCon US
If you’d like to go to DjangoCon 2012 in Washington, D.C. — or know a talented developer who does — but cannot attend due to financial hardship, please apply for financial aid through DjangoCon. And, if you’re a PyLady (as opposed to a PyLaddie), please indicate that you would like to be considered for a PyLadies grant on that form. Your application will be confidential unless you prefer otherwise.
This year’s conference is from Sept. 3 to Sept. 9. The deadline for the grant submission is Friday, August 3rd. We apologize for the short notice, but we know that people need time to make travel plans/request days off from work, etc. You will hear from us by the end of the week after applications are submitted.
If you know of a talented, deserving developer (of any gender) who might benefit greatly from attending DjangoCon, please encourage them to apply. Many thanks to Lynn Root, PyLadies, the DjangoCon organizers and the Python Software Foundation for helping manage this program.
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