A regular meeting of the Django Software Foundation Board of Directors was held on May 9th, 2016. Frank Wiles led the meeting.


Old Business


Christophe commented that Chase is expensive and concerns about who pays the fees. A wire can cost $50 USD on a small donation of $300 USD. Discussed options like PayPal, HSBC and Bank of America.

Daniele was to ask Python foundation contacts see what they use. Andy suggested using Bitcoin if people would accept that.

Current bank balance is $240k USD including the $150k USD from Mozilla.

Membership changes

Frank working on a draft of bylaw changes. Currently in progress. Suggested flow: at the end of a conference you nominate another person to join the DSF.

DjangoCon Europe

Florence team have updated their proposal with the feedback from the board. Questions abut the hotel, since there's no specific hotel block for attendees. No letter intent with the venue, but DEFNA is obligated to avoid DjangoCon Europe.

Proposal approved by the board.

New Business


Kansas Secretary of State Filing due before June 15th 2016 to renew the corporation. Christophe dealing with it.


Proposal for fundraiser by channelling money from PyCharm licenses over to the DSF. For example: users in say June get 30% off and DSF gets 70%, which might be $50k. Would like the money to go to the fellowship and specifically for PEP 484 support.

There was discussion about PEP 484 and if that is something that can be realistically implemented. Pointed out this would require Python 3.5 and we should set the JetBrains expectations appropriately.

The fundraiser idea received approval from the board. Frank was to contact JetBrains.

Corporate sponsorship

Quarterly impact and communication with sponsors requires co-ordination. Adrienne offered to volunteer for that role. Board thanked Adrienne but suggested someone else might be better at the moment.

Next meeting

9th June

To add agenda to the boards next meeting, please contact the board.

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