A regular meeting of the Django Software Foundation Board of Directors was held on January 11th, 2016. Frank Wiles led the meeting.


Old Business

Trademark re-registration

Andy reported done.

Code of Conduct

Suggested the outstanding issue be passed up the PSF. No action to be taken for fear of exposing the reporter. It was suggested that we let DEFNA share it's list with the PSF if they want to.

Board update

Andy removed Dropbox permission from the departing members. Frank will remove permission from the mailing list.

Corporate transparency

All board members should submit a letter saying that they abide by the Conflict of Interest policy. Andy to follow up.


Suggested we renew Tim for six months? Currently $40 USD for a maximum of 40 hours per week as a contractor. Karen suggested that a raise might be appropriate. Frank proposed a new contract for six months at $50 USD an hour. Approved by the board.

Proposed that after that we can have an open process for renewal.


Where does the money go? Currently held up in Mozilla accounting and legal. Andrew did the proposal, but questions if the money was all meant for him or other people. This led to concerns about big donations in the future from other parties that are less open source.

Suggested someone write a blog post about how this will be dealt with in the future.


The DjangoCon trademark licensing deal for DjangoCon US is ongoing; the terms have a couple of key KPIs and deadlines to provide pressure on DEFNA if the need arises. This license deal is ongoing, but with some exit conditions in the (hopefully unlikely) case that the DSF wants to exit from the contract.

DjangoCon Europe licensing deal in place. This needs to be re-signed every year with the new host. You probably want to start the ball rolling on finding a host city for 2017; it takes a little while to put together a compelling bid, and last year, we only had one bidder because we left the process too late. DjangoCon Europe: venue has been decided, hoping to sign contracts this week.

Frank reported that both DjangoCon's are coming to small milestone deadlines soon. Grants committee should not be started until the venue and dates have locked down.

New Business

Django Girls Łódź

Suggested we fund at the standard $300 USD level, approved by the board.

Corporate applications

Nephila. Membership approved by the board.

If someone joins who is not a renewal should that be passed to the board? Yes. Will be done over email.

DjangoCon Europe

$5k USD request for scholarship. Suggested a group made up half of Django committer, half of the conference. Approved by the board. Daniele to reach out to the organisers.


Hawkes of Blanc Limited joined before the new pricing was announced? Suggested join at the old rate. Approved by the board.

Renewal of Adrienne Lowe's fundraising contract, suggested by the board that the contract should be renewed for three months. Approved by the board.

Daniele suggested a trial of intercom.io on the fundraising page. Approved by the board.

Next meeting

11th February

To add agenda to the boards next meeting, please contact the board.

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