A regular meeting of the Django Software Foundation Board of Directors was held on Oct 30, 2014. Russell Keith-Magee led the meeting.


Old Business

Earth Class Mail

No update.

DjangoCon 2015

Jeff Triplett has volunteered to run the conference. Open Bastion is still taking the contract with the hotel. Accounting will be completely open. If a loss, it will go against Open Bastion, if there's a profit a share will go to DSF and Open Bastion.

Django Project redesign

Repository in place. Style guide ready. Was asked if the Django fellow should help out? Board said no. Was suggested that we should contact companies and Foundation members for testimonals.

It was suggested that we should move the documentation to read the docs. DSF could be an early commercial company. No decision made, still under discussion.

Work groups

Should there be a form work group for projects? We are able to create committees. Jannis to follow up.

Django Fellow

Legal review of Django Fellow contract has been completed. The fellow started this week and invoices should be coming soon. Noted that this will affect fund raising and we'll need to raise approx. 30k USD a quarter.

Fund raising

Andy created a list of members and contacts. Renewal emails and invoices to be sent out. As fellow work comes in, Andy to write a blog post detailing the value of the fellow.

Python Software Foundation collaboration

An infusion of cash from the DSF. The PSF would no longer fund Django events, but instead direct requests over to the DSF. Idea received broad approval, but concern that a large event should not be ruled out due to limited DSF funds.


The domains djangcon.eu, .asia, .us have been transferred from Jannis to the DSF.

Business done during month

French brochure

Member asked if anyone was working on a brochure. Response was no, but someone could as long as it went through the trademark committee.

Board re-election

Blog post up, accepting nominations.

Grants committee

Organiser too busy.

Licensing of the "Django 1.7 birds"

The image will be placed on the website, but probably not the full vector since the image was part of a special one-off.

New Business

New developer members

Henrique Bastos, Asheesh Laroia, Shabda Raaj, Arun Ravindran, Camilo Nova are approved by the board.

DjangoGirls sponsorship

Request for Budapest $300. Approved by the board.

Request for Mbale, Uganda - a 30 person event. Approved by the board.

Request for Kampala, Uganda - a 90 person event. Approved by the board.

Python Namibia conference

Seeking $4k-$6k USD for Python Namibia. 40 attendees and 40 students. Board would like to give some sponsorship, but the requested amount was not approved.

Kick starter project

Should we have a policy about what to support? Basic guideline was "Does it improved the Django code base?". Examples: mail client using Django does not, where is Aymeric template changes does.

Next meeting

20th November

To add agenda to the boards next meeting, please contact the board.

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