A regular meeting of the Django Software Foundation Board of Directors was held via teleconference starting on May 29th 2014, 4pm CST. Russell Keith-Magee led the meeting.


Old Business

Foundation tax status

First deadline for response is June 8th. Next deadline is September 6th. Currently unknown if the DSF has to file a corporate tax return. An attempt to file a non-profit tax return was rejected. Joseph is contacting accountants for advice.

Grants committee

No update, contact with chair not made.

Board changes.

Jeremy Dunck has resigned from the board. Russell to open nominations for his post.

Business done during the month

Annual report

Andy publish an annual report of board activity in 2013 to be posted on the website. Approved by the board.

CLA Schedule B

Karen has modified the corporate version to remove mention of schedule B. Individual contributor revision to remove outdated submission options remains to be done.

New members

New members added to the foundation: Shai Berger, Eric Romijn and Loïc Bistuer.

New Business

Sponsorship for EuroPython

Sponsorship to help get women from Eastern Europe to EuroPython from Ola Sendeka. Requested 1000EUR (about $1300USD) in sponsorship as a travel grant. Approved by the board.

Sponsorship request for PSIA SOTECH/SOFTCON

Request for sponsorship for SOFTECH and SOFTCON. Denied by the board.

Travel grant for DjangoVillage

Previously notionally approved travel grant for Marc Tamlyn to Django Village. Approx cost $500 (about 299GBP). Approved by the board.

Django fellow

Request for the idea of a Django fellow that would be a paid position to support Django. The foundation would also likely create a committee to be responsible for monitoring the post. Board approved of the idea.

Targetted donation from Lincoln Loop

Request for a targetted donation to the travel grants committee from Lincoln Loop. Board denied due to the structure of the Django Software Foundations non-profit status.

Suggested instead that Lincoln Loop instead distributes the money as directed by the travel grants committee. Board approved of the idea.

Trademark use

The Django logo on drone.io is truncated and does not link back to djangoproject.com. Since this logo is essentially our favicon, it was suggested we add that logo so others can use it.

Django pony

Discussion about the trademark of the Django Pony artwork. Delayed till next month due to time limit.

Next meeting

26th June 2014, 9am CT

To add agenda to the boards next meeting, please contact the board.

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