A regular meeting of the Django Software Foundation Board of Directors was held via teleconference starting on 6 Mar, 2014, 4pm CST. Russell Keith-Magee led the meeting.


Old Business

Foundation tax status

Joseph mailed filing. Awaiting response. It should be possible to file the 990-N this year online because of our income, deadline is May 15th.

Djangoproject.com web design update

No update.

Django t-shirt for 1.7

Great success. Raised $7,000 USD in revenue. Request to open up the sale for a longer period of time.

Code of conduct issue

Discussed by board and awaiting feedback from the code of conduct committee.

Business done during the month

Hello Web App

Request for sponsorship of a kickstarter for a new tutorial focused on designers by Tracy Osborn. Board approved $400 USD.

Django Carrots

Request for sponsorship of an event in Poland, encouraging women to code. Organized by Agnieszka Kramarek. Board approved $300 USD.

Kiwi PyCon

Request for sponsorship of Kiwi PyCon. Board approved $500 USD.

Scoping guidance for grants committee

Board discussed guidelines for a committee on sponsorship. Requested more information on the history over the last year, the cash flow and budget.

New Business

Upcoming board elections?

The board decided to stand for re-election at DjangoCon US.

Next meeting

29th May 2014, 9am CT

To add agenda to the boards next meeting, please contact the board.

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