DSF Board monthly meeting, January 11, 2024

The meeting was led by Chaim Kirby.

Board members in attendance were:

Also in attendance were:



USD $256,869.00

Grants approved

Individual members approved

Corporate members approved

Ongoing business

Board Liaison required for the Fellowship Working Group

dsf-members on the Django Forum

More work to be done with forum admins – see last meeting’s notes.

European Organizers Support Working Group

Membership blog post & FAQ

Now all published. See DSF membership now recognizes a much broader range of contributions to Django and DSF Individual Membership FAQ.

Update Membership Form

Done! 🌈 Updated form: DSF Membership Nomination

New business

Bank of America: upgrade to “B 360”

Looking to upgrade for improved security options. Cost of $30/month.

Dates for DjangoCon US 2024 for approval

The board is happy with proposed dates and Chaim will follow up.

Django trademark question for screencasts site

Adam Hill contacted by email about alldjango.com and Django trademark. The board approves the proposed use. Catherine will follow up.

Historical board members per year

New report, question on where to publish it, most likely on About the Django Software Foundation.

Social media working group proposal

The social media working group proposal was ready to review and vote on. It has been approved unanimously 🎉.

Proposal summarized: group takes over social media profiles, largely without board review, with exceptions (corporate sponsor campaigns, profiles to add or retire, see charter)

Action items

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