Corporate membership

ⓘ Already interested? View our form: Become a DSF corporate member.

About corporate membership

The Django Software Foundation has a corporate membership program designed to give a voice to organizations interested in supporting and sponsoring Django’s continued development.

Corporate members contribute unrestricted funds that are used to fund DSF priorities, which include, but are not limited to: the Django Fellowship program, sponsoring Django Girls workshops, and contributing to Django conferences.

There are several levels of corporate membership: Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Memberships are renewed annually.

Why join?

Current members have decided to join the DSF for a variety of reasons, including:

However, it's important to recognize that corporate members do not receive:

How do I become a member?

Fill out our onboarding form and we'll follow up with an invoice after your organization is approved by the DSF board.


Membership dues are paid annually. The Django Software Foundation has several levels of corporate membership:

Organizations that are unable to join at the above levels are invited to consider making a one-time or recurring gift totaling $1,000 or more on our fundraising page. With this gift, you will be recognized as a Leadership-level donor on our fundraising page.


Corporate members receive:


If you have questions not answered above, please contact us.

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