So you want to hold a Django event?
Guidance for prospective Django conference or event organisers
How to obtain recognition or endorsement from the DSF
The Django Software Foundation is delighted to endorse and support Django events - not just DjangoCons - around the world. All applications must be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to the event date. However, we need information about the event before we can do this.
You will need to tell us as much as you can, including information about:
- who is organising the event
- where the event will be held
- when it will be held
- how many people are expected to attend
- the format of the event
- ticket pricing
- your code of conduct and how you will enforce it
- your programme of financial assistance or other measures to make it affordable
- how you plan to achieve diversity of attendees and speakers.
Apply for support for your event
Django Girls events funding is now being handled by Django Girls Foundation. Apply for funding for a Django Girls event
Code of conduct
Important: the DSF will not endorse any event that does not have an adequate code of conduct, or plans for enforcing it. There are numerous code of conduct models. You will need to publish clear and prominent information about:
- acceptable standards of behaviour
- how to report a concern
- how reports will be handled
Inclusivity, diversity, accessibility
We consider inclusivity to be an important aspect of any Django event, so we want to hear about your plans to promote inclusivity (this could include your financial assistance programme, providing a crèche or other measures).
Diversity is also important - for example, we would not wish to endorse an event featuring only male speakers.
We also want to know what measures you have taken to ensure accessibility. This includes for example paying attention to disability access, or using live speech-to-text reporting (also known as captioning).
Holding a DjangoCon
A DjangoCon is a large (~300+ attendees), regional-scale conference. It's a flagship Django community event, that can be relied upon to bring together attendees from multiple different countries.
Currently, there are three fully-fledged DjangoCons, in Europe (since 2009), Africa (since 2023), and the USA (since 2008). There is also a DjangoCon Australia, run since 2013 as a mini-conference attached to PyCon Australia.
About the name DjangoCon
The name DjangoCon is licensed by the Django Software Foundation, and may only be used with permission.
The DSF must be confident that any DjangoCon will be of a high standard, and that people attending the event will be guaranteed high quality experience, levels of safety and competent organisation. It also needs to be sure that the event is viable and sustainable.
This means that a new event with no history is very unlikely to be granted licence to use the name.
Not every Django conference should aim to be a DjangoCon. For example, smaller events (up to 300 attendees) or those with a more limited geographical focus should not be considered DjangoCons, and should be given a different name.
Alternative names
Names such as DjangoConf are not suitable alternatives, because they are too similar to DjangoCon and will be confusing. Instead, consider some other form (for example: Django Day, Django Weekend, Django Summit, and so on).
Developing a DjangoCon
From a smaller event
If a smaller conference has proved to be successful and is growing, it’s a candidate to become a DjangoCon.
As a mini-conference
Another way to set up a DjangoCon is by attaching it to an established larger event, as a mini-conference or track (this is the approach adopted by DjangoCon Australia). Doing this gives the event stability and visibility.
Eventually the event can be spun off into a standalone DjangoCon.
Support for Django conferences
The DSF will consider providing financial and other support to any Django event, not just a DjangoCon. We can help by:
- providing financial sponsorship
- funding your financial assistance programme
- announcing the event from the Django website blog, social media, etc
- offering advice and other support.
Financial support guidelines
Typical grant amounts:
- US$300 for US or Western Europe-based events
- US$500 for events outside of the US or Western Europe
Financial support depends on many other considerations and is not automatic. We aim to provide support where it is most needed and will have the most effect.
How to apply for support
Use our support form to provide as much information as possible. We'll consider your request, and do what we can to help.
Apply for support for your event.
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