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This page, updated regularly, aggregates Django Q&A from the Django community.
Django WebSocket not working inside a container but works outside of it
I am trying to do a connection to a websocket from a html page in django. This works when i run it outside a container but it stops working inside of it . My server inside my docker compose. server: stdin_open: true # docker run -i tty: true # docker run -t build: dockerfile: server.Dockerfile context: ./ volumes: - /home/$USER/.ssh:/root/.ssh ports: - '8000:8000' networks: drone_net: ipv4_address: the url I use in my html page let url = `ws://localhost:8000/ws/socket-server/` The error i get: WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:8000/ws/socket-server/' failed: This is my routing for the websocket : websocket_urlpatterns=[ re_path(r'ws/socket-server/',consumers.ChatConsumer.as_asgi()) ] I first thought it was localhost not working but my http request works in the containe as well. I tried to change the value of the url with different ones. I thought it was localhost that wasnt working properly but i also use local host for http request and they were fine in the container. I was expecting it to work. -
Cannot assign "1": "Refund.order" must be a "Order" instance
So, this here is a dirty production-level code, and I am stuck at this. I am designing a Return API but I am not good at this, help is much appreciated. class RefundViewSet(ModelViewSet): http_method_names = ['get', 'post', 'delete', 'head', 'options'] def get_permissions(self): if self.request.method == 'POST': return [IsAdminUser()] return [IsAuthenticated()] def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): serializer = RefundOrderSerializer(, context={'user_id':}) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) order = serializer = OrderSerializer(order) return Response( def get_serializer_class(self): if self.request.method == 'POST': return RefundOrderSerializer return OrderSerializer def get_queryset(self): user = self.request.user if user.is_staff: return Order.objects.all() customer_id = Customer.objects.only('id').get( return Order.objects.filter(customer_id=customer_id) I don't think this part has any problems. class RefundOrderSerializer(serializers.Serializer): order_id = serializers.IntegerField() ###validator methods to ensure that only a customer with an order can request a refund.### def validated_order_id(self, order_id): if not Order.objects.filter(pk=order_id).exist(): raise serializers.ValidationError('No order with given id was found.') return order_id def save(self, **kwargs): with transaction.atomic(): order_id = self.validated_data['order_id'] message = serializers.CharField(max_length=500) email = serializers.EmailField() refund = Refund() refund.order = order_id refund.reason = message = email return refund This is the Problem Part class Customer(models.Model): MEMBERSHIP_BRONZE = 'B' MEMBERSHIP_SILVER = 'S' MEMBERSHIP_GOLD = 'G' MEMBERSHIP_DIAMOND = 'D' MEMBERSHIP_CHOICES = [ (MEMBERSHIP_BRONZE, 'BRONZE'), (MEMBERSHIP_SILVER, 'SILVER'), (MEMBERSHIP_GOLD, 'GOLD'), (MEMBERSHIP_DIAMOND, 'DIAMOND') … -
Django Unit Testing - How to load once a DB for multiple files?
I have a folder named "test" in my Django project. Inside this folder I have multiple files named "". My goal: loading the DB only once and share it across all test*.py files. What I currently do: class OneTestCase(APITestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): ''' Init database ''' from myapp.init import init_my_db # a python script loading the db class TwoTestCase(APITestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): ''' Init database ''' from myapp.init import init_my_db # a python script loading the db # same goes for each test*.py file... In other words I am reloading the database from scratch for each test*.py file slowing down the testing execution time. Is there a way to avoid this, loading the database only one time and for all the test*.py files? -
HTMX not triggering correct query on pickadate.js selection
I use django-forms-dynamic package and htmx to dynamically load available options on a MultipleChoiceField. The options are based on a date field, for which I use pickadate.js by Amsul. The initial query gets the correct choices from the database. However, if the date is changed, the query is lagging one step behind. So, let's asume 1.11.2022 is initially selected. If changed to 4.11.2022, the query is made for the 1.11.2022. If 28.11.2022 is selected, 1.11.2022 is queried, etc. reservation_form.html <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="form-floating"> {% render_field class="datepicker form-control mb-3" hx-get="/reservation/filter-seats" hx-include="#id_dinner" hx-trigger="click change" hx-target="#id_seat_reservation" %} <label for="id_date">Dinner Date</label> </div> <div class="form-floating"> {% render_field reservation_form.amount_guests class+="form-control" placeholder="" %} <label for="id_amount_guests">Guests</label> </div> <div class="visually-hidden"> {% render_field reservation_form.dinner %} </div> <div class="form-check"> {% render_field reservation_form.seat_reservation class+="form-select" %} <label for="id_seat_reservation">Select Seats</label> </div> </div> pickadate script <script> var $input = $('.datepicker').pickadate({ format: 'yyyy-mm-dd', formatSubmit: 'yyyy-mm-dd', min: 0, max: 90, disable: {{ blocked_dates }}, firstDay: 1, }) var picker = $input.pickadate('picker') </script> What am I missing? -
inactive page after signin to social media on django allauth
Iam trying to develope a website that use socail media for authentication based on google and facebook. I used django-allauth library for it. but I have problem with this when user create account or signin via google. after successfully signin return inactive page. I want to redirect to my home page there is my custom model there is my custome models class Account(AbstractBaseUser): USERNAME_FIELD = "email" first_name = models.CharField(max_length=100) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=100) email = models.EmailField(max_length=100, unique=True) username = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True) profile_pic = models.ImageField( null=True, upload_to=image_path_generator, blank=True ) total_storage = models.FloatField( default=20, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0), MaxValueValidator(20.0)] ) used_storage = models.FloatField( default=0, validators=[MinValueValidator(0.0), MaxValueValidator(20.0)] ) phone_no = models.IntegerField(default=0) user_key = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True) joined_date = models.DateTimeField( two_auth = models.CharField( choices=twoAuth_choices, max_length=20, default=twoAuth_choices[1][1] ) files = models.ManyToManyField( "fileuploads.NewFile", related_name="file_owner", ) folders = models.ManyToManyField( "folders.Folder", related_name="folder_owner", ) # required date_joined = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) last_login = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) is_admin = models.BooleanField(default=False) is_staff = models.BooleanField(default=False) is_active = models.BooleanField(default=False) is_superadmin = models.BooleanField(default=False) REQUIRED_FIELDS = ["username", "first_name", "last_name"] objects = AccountManager() i have also setup my to like this # SOCIAL CONNECTION SITE_ID = 1 SOCIALACCOUNT_LOGIN_ON_GET = True ACCOUNT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = "email" ACCOUNT_EMAIL_REQUIRED = True ACCOUNT_USERNAME_REQUIRED = False ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION = "none" LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "/" LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = logout_url could you please help me … -
Django third party data migrations how to?
I am trying to migrate data from a node.js app to my django app, luckily they both use postgresql but I don't know how the access the node.js database and get the model, I have entered the second database in my but .get_model() cant take database name as an attribute only app name and model name, and since the app is in node.js I am running in a problem before even starting, is there a way to get the model directly from the node.js side database and what is the syntax ? this is my code so far: class Migration(migrations.Migration): def migrate_items(self, schema_editor): old_item_model = self.get_model("inventory", "Item") # THIS NEEDS TO COME FROM THE NODE.JS SIDE DATABASE. items = old_item_model.objects.using('inventory').all() print(items) def reverse_migrate_items(self, schema_editor): pass dependencies = [ ('items', '0022_merge_0020_alter_history_event_0021_alter_assign_item'), ] operations = [migrations.RunPython(migrate_items, reverse_code=reverse_migrate_items) ] Thanks. -
Error 405 when calling POST in my react native app
After installing SSL certificate to the backend web server (NGINX) of my React Native app, I started encountering Error 405 every time I use the POST method. I've tried multiple solutions offered online, like adding the following line to my NGINX config, but nothing seems to work. error_page 405 =200 $uri; I've attached my NGINX configuration below, # Upstreams upstream wsgiserver { ip_hash; server thebackend:80; } # Redirect to HTTPS server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name; access_log /var/log/nginx/thebackend-access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/thebackend-error.log; return 301$request_uri; } # HTTPS server server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; server_name; access_log /var/log/nginx/; error_log /var/log/nginx/; ssl on; ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/thebackend/thebackend.com_bundle.crt; ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/thebackend/; ssl_session_timeout 5m; ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; #ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem; ssl_ciphers 'EECDH+AESGCM:EDH+AESGCM:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH'; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; # WSGI server location / { proxy_pass https://wsgiserver/; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true; proxy_set_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true; proxy_set_header Content-Encoding gzip; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header Cookie $http_cookie; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_pass_header X-CSRFToken; proxy_ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; proxy_ssl_server_name on; proxy_read_timeout 5m; proxy_redirect default; error_page 405 =200 $uri; } } Did I miss something? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. -
Skip FIleNotFoundError in django templates
I encountered the following error in the template. How can skip this error. My code: {% if obj.profile_pictures %} <img src="{{ obj.profile_pictures.url }}" > {% else %} <img src="{% static 'assets/img/alt_img.jpg' %}""> {% endif %} -
ImportError: cannot import name ‘ThreadingUnixStreamServer’ from ‘socketserver’
I am running python runserver but I keep getting an error ImportError: cannot import name ‘ThreadingUnixStreamServer’ from ‘socketserver’ please what do I do? I am trying to view my website on my browser using my localport. -
i am getting error while sending email through django. i have following settings in my file . how can i resolve this problem?
@login_required(login_url="/login/") def api_view(request): if request.method == "POST": subs = str(request.POST.get("subs")).capitalize() subs = ast.literal_eval(subs) # javascript true to Python True user_name = request.user.get_username() email = if subs: send_mail( "Congratulations for subscription", "Thank you for showing interest!we appreciate your efforts", "", [email], fail_silently=False,) this is my file import os EMAIL_HOST = "" Email_PORT = 587 EMAIL_HOST_USER ="" EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = os.environ.get('pass_wd') EMAIL_USE_TLS = True TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond -
Check if the file exists and there are no errors - Django
In my project I encountered the following error. In my view I copies files from one model to another. However, it seems that some files do not have a counterpart and verification shows that they path exist FileNotFoundError at /home/. It seems the path exists but the file on the server does not. How to check if file exists before saving to a new model. My code: if product.img_1: obj_apartment.basic_img = product.img_1 I need something like this: if obj_apartment.basic_img = product.img_1 -
How to make repetitive background task in Django?
When I am accessing an url, the view activate a background task that need to repeat an action for 5 minutes every second, but I have an error and this task repeats only once. I have django4-background-tasks for Django 4.1.2. Here is my code @csrf_exempt def task(request): return _post_task(request) def _post_task(request): demo_task() return JsonResponse({}, status=302) And here the task is, where I want every second to be displayed '123' for 5 seconds, it means during 5 seconds will be printed five '123' @background(schedule=0) def demo_task(repeat=4, repeat_until=( + datetime.timedelta(minutes=3))): print('123') Maybe exits other ways to make async background tasks, I tried celery, but it was too hard. -
how to make the django devserver run everytime i create a docker container, instead of when i build the image
tldr version: how do i do x everytime i build a container, instead of everytime i build a new image. im building a very basic docker django example. when i do docker-compose build everything works as i want version: '3.9' services: app: build: context: . command: sh -c "python runserver" ports: - 8000:8000 volumes: - ./app:/app environment: - SECRET_KEY=devsecretkey - DEBUG=1 this runs the django devserver, however only when the image is being built. the containers created by the image do nothing, but actually i want them to run the django devserver. So i figure i should just move the command: sh -c "python runserver" from docker-compose to my dockerfile as an entrypoint. below is my docker file FROM python:3.9-alpine3.13 LABEL maintainer="" ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 COPY ./requirements.txt /requirements.txt COPY ./app /app WORKDIR /app EXPOSE 8000 RUN python -m venv /py && \ /py/bin/pip install --upgrade pip && \ /py/bin/pip install -r /requirements.txt && \ adduser --disabled-password --no-create-home app ENV PATH="/py/bin:$PATH" USER app ENTRYPOINT python runserver # i added this because i thought it would be called everytime my docker environment was finished setting up. no dice :( The bottom section of the image below is … -
Docker compose issue while building python image, access denied or repository does not exist
I am trying to troubleshoot a tutorial on udemy on Windows 10 but why my compose file is failing to run. I tried relogging into Docker and I am able to run Docker build python:3.9-slim-bullseye successfully. Does anyone here see my issue and help me understand what is happening? I think my issue with with the line: apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ build-essential \ libpq-dev The tutorial's original code is here on his github but most of my code is a straight copy from him. Here is a link to the repo I have of what was covered so far. local.yml file version: "3.9" services: api: build: context: . dockerfile: docker/local/django/Dockerfile command: /start container_name: django-api volumes: - .:/app - static_volume:/app/staticfiles - media_volume:/app/mediafiles ports: - "8000:8000" env_file: - ./.envs/.local/.django - ./.envs/.local/.postgres depends_on: - postgres - mailhog networks: - authors-api-live postgres: build: context: . dockerfile: ./docker/local/postgres/Dockerfile container_name: postgres # volumes: # This is also causing issues # - local_postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data # - local_postgres_data_backups:/backups env_file: - ./.envs/.local/.postgres networks: - authors-api-live mailhog: image: mailhog/mailhog:v1.0.0 container_name: mailhog ports: - "8025:8025" networks: - authors-api-live networks: authors-api-live: driver: bridge volumes: local_postgres_data_backups: {} static_volume: media_volume: Django Dockerfile ARG PYTHON_VERSION=3.9-slim-bullseye FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION} as python # BUILD STAGE … -
Why returns None? Isn't it supposed to return objects?
I want to get id of the model that is just created after saving so that I can pass to another view but it returns None even after model being created in database while printing. view def ShippingAddress(request): user=request.user cart=Cart.objects.filter(user=user) # print(cart) amount=0.0 shipping=100.0 tempamnt=0.0 totalamnt=0.0 cart_prod=[p for p in Cart.objects.all() if p.user==user] if cart_prod : for prod in cart_prod: tempamnt=prod.quantity*prod.product.discounted_price amount+=tempamnt totalamnt=shipping+amount if request.method=="POST": name=request.POST.get('name') locality=request.POST.get('locality') city=request.POST.get('city') state=request.POST.get('state') zipcode=request.POST.get('zipcode') customer= Customer.objects.create(user=user, name=name,locality=locality,city=city,state=state,zipcode=zipcode) print(temp) context={'carts':cart,'totalamnt':totalamnt,'amount':amount} return render(request,'store/shipping_detail.html',context) Also how do I send that id using redirect to next view. another view ` def checkout(request,): return render(request,'store/checkout.html') Is there any way or should i use intermediate page for that. -
How to use right queryset in django?
There are model: class Employee(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) position = models.CharField(max_length=100) hired_at = models.DateField(auto_now=True) salary = models.DecimalField(max_digits = 9, decimal_places= 2) boss = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True,blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) has_boss = models.BooleanField(null=True) is_visited = models.BooleanField(null=True) And there are BAD queryset in view: def get_queryset(self): return reversed(Employee.objects.all()) I want specific query: It should have all employees Only once for queryset. Now i show in template many employees more than 1 time, especially if some employees have the same boss. It should consist of from full chain from lowest employee to highest (main boss). -
How to query hierarchy model and avoid redundancy memory allocation for the same object?
Models used: class Person(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=128) def __str__(self): return class Department(models.Model): president = models.ForeignKey(to=Person, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='+') vice_president = models.ForeignKey(to=Person, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='+') name = models.CharField(max_length=128) def __str__(self): return f'{} lead mainly by {self.president} (and secondly by {self.vice_president})' Query performed: for department in Department.objects.all(): print(hex(id(department.president)), department.president, department) print(hex(id(department.vice_president)), department.vice_president, department) Expected result: 0x1bbeca18960 Joe Marketing lead mainly by Joe (and secondly by Tom) 0x1bbeca18c70 Tom Marketing lead mainly by Joe (and secondly by Tom) <-- SAME instance of "Tom" 0x1bbeca18c70 Tom Financing lead mainly by Tom (and secondly by Bob) <-- as this instance of "Tom" 0x1bbeca18e80 Bob Financing lead mainly by Tom (and secondly by Bob) Actual result: 0x1bbeca18960 Joe Marketing lead mainly by Joe (and secondly by Tom) 0x1bbeca18c70 Tom Marketing lead mainly by Joe (and secondly by Tom) <-- DIFFERENT instance of "Tom" 0x1bbeca18a30 Tom Financing lead mainly by Tom (and secondly by Bob) <-- than this instance of "Tom" 0x1bbeca18e80 Bob Financing lead mainly by Tom (and secondly by Bob) Motivation: When I have 100 Persons, and 100 Departments, I want a total allocation of 100 instances of "Department" and 100 instances of "Person", but instead there is a total allocation of 100 instances of "Department" … -
Is it secure to log in a user without a password? [closed]
I am thinking of logging a user in to my Django website by verifying the email rather than them having to write a password. If this is not clear, this is what I'm thinking: User enters email User gets a email containing a code User enters code in website User is logged in Is this safe to do without hackers accessing the accounts of other users? -
How to remove django-celery-beat models from admin?
I'm trying to remove the default django_celery_ beat models from admin page. I tried to to use unregister method but it giving an error from django_celery_beat.models import ( IntervalSchedule, CrontabSchedule, SolarSchedule, ClockedSchedule, PeriodicTask, ) Error: raise NotRegistered('The model %s is not registered' % django.contrib.admin.sites.NotRegistered: The model SolarSchedule is not registered def INSTALLED_APPS(self): rv = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', ... 'django_celery_beat', ] How can I solve that? -
Representing django table in HTML display custom subset of columns
I want to display a table in django based on a model with lots of columns but only display columns based on a form selection by the user delivered as a get request. The view looks like this: from utils import potential_col_list def display_table(request): cols_to_display = [] model_filter = ModelFilter(request.GET) query_set = model_filter.qs.values(*potential_col_list) for key, value in request.GET.items(): if key in potential_col_list: cols_to_display.append(key) return render(request, 'project/display_table.html', {'queryset': query_set, 'cols_to_display': cols_to_display}) What I want to have displayed is the query set but only the columns that the user has specified in the get request used in the filter. The display_table.html template looks like this. <table> <thead> <tr> {% for col in cols_to_display %} <th> {{ col }} </th> {% endfor %} </tr> </thead> <tbody> {% for item in queryset %} <tr> {% for col in cols_to_display %} <td> {{ item.col }} </td> {% endfor %} </tr> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> The table headings render correctly but none of the data from the queryset appears. When I try to display everything without the cols_to_display it renders fine. -
Adding data from a form written in vue.js to a Django model
I am building a (relatively simple) booking system for a website using Django. The frontend of the website is written in Vue.js in a single-page format. I need one form that user fills to reserve a given room at a given datetime. Initially, I wanted to create the form myself using Django ModelForms but found it might be hard for the front-end to style it later on. Hence, I'm considering letting the front-end create the form but the question is how do I get the data from that form and input it in my Django model so it appears in the SQLite database. The form should also communicate with my database so the user can book only available timeslots. I am quite new to all this and a bit confused on how to proceed. Any tips or guidance will be very much appreciated. For now I have Reservation model that should be fiiled with data when form is submitted: class Reservation(models.Model): room=models.ForeignKey(Room, on_delete=models.CASCADE) time_slot= models.ForeignKey(TimeSlot, on_delete=models.CASCADE) first_name=models.CharField(max_length=255) last_name=models.CharField(max_length=255) number_of_ppl=models.IntegerField() email= models.EmailField(max_length=255) phone_number=models.CharField(max_length=50) invoice=models.BooleanField(default=False) comments=models.CharField(max_length=255) time_slot references TimeSlot model which contains a datetime linked to a particular room. -
Find queryset where one field is greater than another one
I have model Shop, I want to get all shops which time_open(opening time) is more than time_closed(closing time). For example 23:00:00 is more than 07:00:00 (Shop_2(Night shift shop)). class Shop(models.Model): time_open = models.TimeField() time_closed = models.TimeField() for example i have two objects: shop_1 = { "time_open": "08:00:00", "time_closed": "22:00:00" } shop_2 = { "time_open": "23:00:00", "time_closed": "07:00:00" } My goal is to output queryset in which shop_2 would be. These timestamps in these objects only for visual example, i want to do it without putting any data in sql query. I want to achive this by comparing time_open and time_closed fields. I found similar question in pure SQL: Find rows where one field is greater than another one My goal is to do it with Django ORM. -
How to fiilter isnull false value in Django-filters?
I want to only filter category which has channels__livestream__isnull=False. The Queryset is working fine with this paremter but the Django-filters getting error TypeError: 'FilterSetMetaclass' object is not iterable. class CategoryFilterSet(django_filters.FilterSet): has_live_stream = django_filters.BooleanFilter( field_name='channels__livestream', lookup_expr='isnull', ) class Meta: model = YTCategory fields = ['has_live_stream'] class CategoryList(generics.ListAPIView): authentication_classes = [] permission_classes = [] queryset = pagination_class = Pagination serializer_class = CategorySerializer filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend, filters.SearchFilter] filterset_fields = CategoryFilterSet search_fields = ['id', 'name'] -
when I want to put my django app to elastic beanstalk in aws it gives me this error and I do not know how to fix it
when I want to put my Django app to elastic beanstalk in AWS it gives me this error and I do not know how to fix it -
NoReverseMatch at / - not understanding reason
I am trying to create a 'edit settings/ view profile page' drop down item in my navbar. The functionality was working prior to being called from the drop down which now throws the NoReverseMatch error as shown below: Reverse for 'show_profile_page' with arguments '('',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['subs/(?P[0-9]+)/profile/\Z'] I am struggling to understand why this error is occuring when I am calling this url in other templates with no issues, but now that I tried putting this in a dropdown, I am getting this. Should I be doing a reverse call in the Would appreciate any pointers... ** ** (subs app) from django.urls import path from .views import UserRegisterView, UserEditView, PasswordsChangeView, ShowProfilePageView, EditProfilePageView #from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views from . import views urlpatterns = [ path('register/', UserRegisterView.as_view(), name='register'), path('edit_profile/', UserEditView.as_view(), name='edit_profile'), #path('password/', auth_views.PasswordChangeView.as_view(template_name='registration/change-password.html')), path('password/', PasswordsChangeView.as_view(template_name='registration/change-password.html')), path('password_success', views.password_success, name="password_success"), path('<int:pk>/profile/', ShowProfilePageView.as_view(), name="show_profile_page"), path('<int:pk>/edit_profile_page/', EditProfilePageView.as_view(), name="edit_profile_page") ] (subs app) from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404 from django.views import generic from django.views.generic import DetailView from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm, UserChangeForm, PasswordChangeForm from django.urls import reverse_lazy from .forms import SignUpForms, EditProfileForm, PasswordUpdateForm from django.contrib.auth.views import PasswordChangeView from nooz2.models import Profile # Create your views here. class UserRegisterView(generic.CreateView): form_class = SignUpForms template_name …