Django community: RSS
This page, updated regularly, aggregates Django links from the Django community.
neon-jungle/wagtail-birdsong: Create, send, preview, edit and test email campaigns from within Wagtail
Implementing Finite State Machine as Python Language Native Construct -
Quickstart: Compose and Django | Docker Documentation
Coding style | Django documentation | Django
Wow! Django has a proper page on coding style. I love Django's documentation. It have learned most of the best practices from their documentation. This too looks amazing. Didn't know about isort. Trying it out. -
Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS is My Go-To Stack for Building a SaaS in 2021 -
Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS: My go-to stack for building a SaaS
One guys take on stack for easy SaaS development. -
Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS: My go-to stack for building a SaaS | Hacker News
Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS is My Go-To Stack for Building a SaaS in 2021
Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS is My Go-To Stack for Building a SaaS in 2021
Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS is My Go-To Stack for Building a SaaS in 2021
Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS is My Go-To Stack for Building a SaaS in 2021
GitHub - jordaneremieff/pydantic-django: Experimental Pydantic support for Django ORM
> Experimental Pydantic support for Django ORM -
How to use node.js build routines and npm packages in Django.
Reading CloudFlare headers in a Django middleware - Adam Johnson
How to Add Custom Action Buttons to Django Admin | by Haki Benita | Medium
What happens when you run test? - Adam Johnson
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Gitzer: A Django/Vue.JS web based client for simple Git operations -
DiskCache: Disk Backed Cache — DiskCache 5.1.0 documentation
An alternative caching system for the disk-rich and RAM poor. Compatible with Django's cache system. -
DjangoCon 2019 - Maintaning a Django codebase after 10k commits - YouTube
Radoslav Georgiev - Django structure for scale and longevity - YouTube
Django-Forms with json fields - Stack Overflow
Django Deployment Essentials | JustDjango Blog
5 JavaScript things you should know/understand as a Python Developer | Musings — zanderle
Django Single File Templates | Musings — zanderle