Django community: RSS
This page, updated regularly, aggregates Django links from the Django community.
Tips for Building High-Quality Django Apps at Scale
How to Use JWT Authentication with Django REST Framework
Django ORM Cookbook
- - The online playground for Python utilities -
Django Async Task Queue with Postgres (no Kafka, Rabbit MQ, Celery, or Redis)
tldr; Let's talk about simple async task queues with Django Commands and PostgreSQL. Simple Django Commands make excellent asynchronous workers that replace tasks otherwise done by Celery and other more complex methods. Minimal code samples are below.I can run asynchronous tasks without adding Celery, Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc to my stackMany projects use Celery successfully, but it is a lot to setup, manage, monitor, debug, and develop for. To send a few emails, push messages, or database cleanups feels like a long way to go for a ham sandwich.Django gives us a very useful utility for running asynchronous tasks without the cognitive load and infrastructure overhead– namely, Commands.I go a long way using only simple long-running Django Commands as the workers and Postgres as my queue. It means that in a simple Django, Postgres, Docker deployment I can run asynchronous tasks without adding more services to my stack.The Django CommandIn addition to serving web pages, Django Commands offer us a way to access the Django environment on the command line or a long-running process. Simply override a class, place your code inside, and you have bootstrapped your way to getting things done in a "side-car."It is important to understand this is … -
python - Django - taking values from POST request, JavaScript fetch API - Stack Overflow
Postgres Full-Text Search With Django
Wagtail Packages
Third-party wagtail packages. -
funnydman/confetti: The way to start a Django project with Docker and docker-compose
The way to start a Django project with Docker and docker-compose - funnydman/confetti -
Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS: My go-to stack for building a SaaS | Hacker News
Docker, Django, Traefik, and IntercoolerJS is My Go-To Stack for Building a SaaS in 2021
I provide a deeper-dive on the tech stack I like to use in 2020. Django, Docker, Traefik, Postgresql, and a single Linux VM. -
A magical full-stack framework for Django. -
The online playground for Python utilities. -
Chapter 2: Hello World app | Django For Beginners
Django introduction - Learn web development | MDN
How to Learn Django (2020) |
Web Development 101 with Python & Django
Documenting Django Design Systems with Storybook
Mayan EDMS / Mayan EDMS · GitLab
Django Packages : django-controlcenter
Building HTTP APIs With Django REST Framework – Real Python
Lewis Kori | Introduction to multi-tenant apps with django
Documenting Django Design Systems with Storybook | Lincoln Loop
Django Release Cycle
How to Serve Protected Content With Django (Without Bogging Down Your Application Server) | Wellfire Interactive