MySQLdb is a Python DB API-2.0-compliant interface; see PEP-249 for details. For up-to-date versions of MySQLdb, use the homepage link.
Supported versions:
* MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5.5; 5.0 or newer recommended. MariaDB should also work.
* Python versions 2.4-2.7; Python 3 support coming soon.
ZMySQLDA is a Database Adapter for Zope2.
Python License (CNRI Python License), GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2), Zope Public License
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User Reviews
Thanks onepeak solving my problem. As he said, if your OS is win64, please go to
This is good for 32bits of Python, but not for 64bits of Python! If you installed 64bits of Python (not 64/32bits of OS), you may want to download the 64bits of MySQLdb here: www_codegood_com/archives/129 I wasted over 1 hour to solve this UnicodeDecodeError (64bits Python + 32bits MySQLdb), and hope to save your time.
Want to hurry to support Python3!!!
Excellent project! Reccommend everybody. Thanks!)))+1
Mysql-python is excellent! Thanks.